EZY Seal started from frustration on the building site. Andy and I had just completed the subfloor installation of a new home, and we were ready for a building inspection from the Council.
The Council failed the inspection. We had driven concrete piles coming through the damp proof membrane with nothing stopping moisture coming up the concrete piles and spreading through the floor.
They also failed us on a pipe penetration through the damp proof membrane, because the tape had shrunk back, came off the plastic and created a weak point.
The Council made us cut polythene pieces and cap every concrete pile, tape to the damp proof membrane, and re-tape the pipe penetration. We had to do all this through the mesh. It took us a day to complete the job. It was extremely frustrating and time-consuming!
Andy and I were sure there had to be a much better way to do this job. At that moment of maximum frustration, our lightbulbs switched on. There was indeed a better way.
We designed our EZY Seal solution, put a patent in place, and had the prototypes made. Two years later, we perfected the design.
We now have an easy and effective solution to a sticky little problem that builders have struggled with for years.
If you are looking for a way to make your build easier, faster and more water-resistant, EZY Seal is your answer.